No Bull by Vika and Linda Bull

‘Linda and I were opposites from the start.’

While I remember Vika and Linda Bull for their work with The Black Sorrows, I mainly know their work with Paul Kelly. I loved their a cappella rendition of the ‘Advance Australia Fair’ at the 2016 AFL Grand Final and have been exploring some of their other work.  As the book reminded me, Vika and Linda had two chart-topping albums during the pandemic: their harmonies are beautiful, their voices complement each other perfectly.

But behind the voices?  I knew very little about the sisters. In this book, the sisters take it in turns to recount some of the highs and lows of their lives and singing careers. I did not know that they had seven studio albums (note to self: some purchasing is in order), nor did I know that they had sung for both the King of Tonga and Nelson Mandela.

Vika and Linda have worked hard, with the support of their family, to achieve their dreams. I read about some of the challenges they have faced both as children and as adults and admired their tenacity.

Now excuse me while I head off to track down a copy of ‘Sunday (The Gospel According to Iso)’. If you enjoy their singing, I think you will enjoy their memoir. I read the book, but I understand that there is an audio version, narrated by Vika and Linda.

Jennifer Cameron-Smith

Book 11 in my 2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge. I’ve entered as a ‘Nonfiction Grazer’ and this book should be included under the heading of ‘Memoir’.

100km in March Challenge

Some of you know that I have been participating in the ‘100km in March Challenge’ to support the Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Some of you (thank you) have donated, but I thought I’d share this message in case others would like to sponsor me.

So far, I have walked over 400 kms for this challenge (I expect to finish later in the day on around 405 kms) and I have raised $A530. I’m pretty pleased with my efforts, but I would love to raise even more money if at all possible.

Today is the last day of my ‘100km in March Challenge’ to support Cerebral Palsy Alliance!

Please help me finish strong by making a donation to my fundraising page.

Every donation will help fund life-changing research into the prevention and treatment for cerebral palsy.

Thank you for considering this.
