Spell the Month in Books March 2023 Linkup

Spell the Month in Books March 2023 Linkup

Spell the Month in Books is a linkup hosted on Reviews From the Stacks on the first Saturday of each month. The goal, inspired by a hashtag Jana first encountered on Instagram, is to spell the current month with the first letter of book titles, excluding articles such as ‘the’ and ‘a’ as needed. That’s all there is to it! Intriguing! Jana goes on to say that some months there are theme challenges, such as “books with an orange cover” or books of a particular genre, but for the most part, any book you want to use is fair game! To participate, simply make a post, comment, or picture of the books you choose. They can be books you physically own or simply titles you have come across.

My March list:

M Me Write Myself by Leonie Stevens

A Abomination by Ashley Goldberg

R Rural Dreams by Margaret Hickey

C Checkmate by Dorothy Dunnett

H Hand Me Down World by Lloyd Jones

The links are to my reviews either on this blog, or on Goodreads.