So, as 2017 draws to a close, which have been my favourite books?

I read over 200 books this year, and enjoyed most of them.  But while some of those books were great entertainment, or provided me with information or escapism, many of them will fade into the background.  Other books stay with me, and some of them may (even) be reread at some stage.

There are a few books that I’m not including on this list because, as much as I loved them, they won’t be published until 2018.

So, which books?  I’ll limit myself to twenty.  The links are to my reviews of each (on  The reviews can also be found on this blog, or on Goodreads for those interested.  And so, in no particular order:

His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnet

The Prince at the Ruined Tower by Michael D Lockshin

Golden Hill by Francis Spufford

They Cannot Take the Sky by Michael Green, Andre Dao, Angelica Neville, Dana Affleck and Sienna Merope

Alternative Truths by Phyllis Irene Radford and Bob Brown (eds)

The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon

The Trauma Cleaner by Sarah Krasnostein

A Crying in the Wind by Elizabeth Fleetwood

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden

The Library: A Catalogue of Wonders by Stuart Kells

The Circle and the Equator by Kyra Giorgi

The Bedlam Stacks by Natasha Pulley

All We Shall Know by Donal Ryan

Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann

Anaesthesia by Kate Cole-Adams

Sixty Seconds by Jesse Blackadder

Not Just Lucky by Jamila Rizvi

Storyland by Catherine McKinnon

American War by Omar El Akkad

Flame  Tip by Karenlee Thompson


And that rounds out my twenty.  Have you read any of these?




My favourite books of 2017

What a great list! I’ve read a number of these books, and will add others to my list. And now, I think I need to seriously consider my own ‘best reads of 2017’.

She Reads Novels

With only two days left of 2017, I think it should be safe to post my books of the year list now. I always enjoy putting this post together, looking back over my reading year and picking out favourites. As usual, the list I’ve come up with is a long one, though not as long as some from previous years! I’ve also given a special mention to some books which didn’t quite win a place on the list – and re-reads have their own separate section this year too.

Here they are, in the order that I read them:


The Red Sphinx by Alexandre Dumas (1865)

From my review: “Well, it may be only January but I think I already know one book which will be appearing on my books of the year list this December! Bearing in mind that this is a later Dumas novel, written towards…

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