Cast Not the Day (Drusus #1) by Paul Waters

‘It is by our tasks that we come to know our powers.’

The central character of this novel, set in the middle of the 4th century CE, is Drusus. Drusus is a young British nobleman of Roman birth whose mother died when he was born. As the novel opens, Drusus is fourteen years old, and his father, Appius, has been summoned to the emperor’s court at Trier ‘to answer certain … questions.’ Drusus is sent to his great uncle in London, Lucius Balbus. He will never see his father again.

By this period, Britain and the Roman Empire have been ruled by Christian emperors for a generation. The Christian church continues to grow in strength and has suppressed most of its opposition. And, while much of the population in Britain worships the old gods, the Christian church, with the support of the emperor, is now attempting to destroy the old beliefs by force. As the story unfolds, Drusus finds himself involved in both religious and civil conflict. He becomes a soldier, finds love, and comes under suspicion.

The Western Roman Empire is beginning to crumble. There is civil war within the empire after the death of Constantine in 337 CE and Drusus and his lover Marcellus become caught up in the political intrigue and the fighting.

I enjoyed this novel. I do not know much of the history of this period, and Mr Waters has me wanting to know more about the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Drusus himself is an interesting character, as is Marcellus’s grandfather Aquinus.

And now I need to read the second novel in the duology to see how it ends.

Jennifer Cameron-Smith

3 thoughts on “Cast Not the Day (Drusus #1) by Paul Waters

  1. I like historical fiction from this period. Have you ever come across the Tales of Ancient Rome trilogy by Elisabeth Storrs? It’s about the Etruscans, about whom we tend not to know much because they were defeated by the Romans and absorbed into the empire.

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    1. I read the first book in the trilogy ten years ago, and meant to continue reading, but have not yet done so. Thanks for the reminder, Lisa, I’ll add the remaining two books to my reading list.

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      1. I just looked up Storrs to see if she’s written anything else… she’s a Big Deal now at the Historical Novel Society so that may be taking up a lot of her time. Her website says she is writing “Treasured, a novel set in WW2 Germany about looted art, bizarre Nazi archaeology and a race to save the Trojan Gold during the fall of Berlin.” It sounds interesting…

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