The Secrets We Kept by Lara Prescott

‘When the men in black suits came, my daughter offered them tea.’

So, the back cover tells me that this novel is ‘Based on the true story behind the publication of an iconic masterpiece. The thrilling plot to change the hearts and minds of Soviet Russia … With the greatest love story of the twentieth century, Doctor Zhivago.’

I was intrigued: ‘Doctor Zhivago’ is a tremendous novel, and I knew nothing about the CIA’s involvement in its publication. Yes, I knew it was banned in the USSR but that was ancient history by the time I read the novel in 2011. I picked up this novel keen to read about ‘the thrilling plot’ and instead became caught up in various romantic entanglements.

I wanted a spy drama. I received tortured romance: Boris Pasternak and his mistress Olga Ivinskaya; Sally and Irina working for the CIA. While the most interesting parts of the book for me were those set in Russia, the CIA-related stuff had me uttering howls of derision and muttering about incompetence.

Yes, I kept reading. I felt compelled to finish the novel. Some of my friends loved this novel, others hated it. I am in the middle. While I enjoyed aspects of the novel, I felt let down by the overall story. Still, I am going to reread ‘Dr Zhivago’, so the experience was not entirely wasted.

Jennifer Cameron-Smith

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